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macOS 14 Sonoma Broadcom network card driver support

macOS 14 Sonoma

As we all know, Apple's macOS 14 has finally targeted Broadcom wireless cards. The BCM94360 / BCM943602 cannot be driven in Sonoma. The current solution is to use OpenCore Legacy Patcher, which can perfectly drive Broadcom wireless cards. The only drawback is that you need to patch with OpenCore Legacy Patcher every time you upgrade the OS. Below is the operation tutorial.

OpenCore Legacy Patcher has preliminary support for macOS Sonoma. Original text:

OpenCore Settings

NVRAM - Random Access Memory Settings

Set System Integrity Protection to 0x0803 and disable AMFI

  • Add 03080000 to NVRAM > Add > 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 > csr-active-config
  • Add amfi=0x80 to NVRAM > Add > 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 > boot-args

Remove csr-active-config

  • Add csr-active-config to NVRAM > Delete > 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

Misc - Other Settings

Set Secure Boot Model to Disabled

  • Set Misc > Security > SecureBootModel to Disabled

Kernel Settings

Inject three kexts in the following order (make sure to follow the image settings, otherwise there is a risk of white Apple logo freeze)

Download: IOSkywalk.kext, IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext (download the original files on the right)

  • OSkywalk.kext
  • O80211FamilyLegacy.kext
  • O80211FamilyLegacy.kext (AirPortBrcmNIC)
  • Set Minimum Kernel to 23.0.0

Prevent from loading (make sure to follow the image settings, otherwise there is a risk of white Apple logo freeze)

  • Set Minimum Kernel to 23.0.0
  • Set Strategy to Exclude

After setting the above, restart the computer

OpenCore Legacy Patcher Settings

Download OpenCore Legacy Patcher

  • Click on Post-Install Root Patch
  • Start Root Patching

After setting the above, restart the computer


Enjoy and cherish~

Extra: Broadcom Network Card Speed Issue

As early as macOS 13, I found that some Broadcom network cards, although they are plug-and-play, have low speeds (below 350Mbps) after connecting. At first, I thought it was a wireless router problem, but later I found out that the region code needs to be adjusted.

  • Download AirportBrcmFixup.kext
  • Put it in Kernel Settings, set the maximum kernel according to the image (pay attention to the loading order)
  • Add -brcmfxbeta brcmfx-country=HK to NVRAM > boot-args to set the region to Hong Kong
  • Save and restart, done
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