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PicGo + uPic + Github build a free image hosting service.


Since coming to xLog, I have developed a habit of writing blogs. Although xLog currently has no restrictions on uploading images and is free, I have always developed a habit of backing up the services I use, so I am not afraid of running away. After comparing Amazon S3 & Cloudflare R2, if you are interested, you can take a look at R2 vs S3. I feel that Cloudflare R2 has a higher cost performance and you can also get 10 GB for free, but I am always afraid of being betrayed. I don't consider the issue of accessing mainland IP, so I simply switched to the free Github. Who can be more stable than Github? In short, the motto is: "Be prepared and have no worries."

Github Image Library

Create a new repository

Register a Github account and create a new repository. Remember the name of the repository.

Create a new token

  1. Click on "Settings" under "Profile"

  2. Select "<>Developer settings" at the bottom left

  3. Select "Tokens (classic)" and click on "Generate new token (classic)"

  4. Fill in the optional note and make sure to check "repo"

  5. Copy the token

The Github image library repository is now set up.


Download PicGo

Set up PicGo

Open PicGo settings and select Github. Edit the configuration file on the right.

Enter the repository name (format: username/repo) and the copied token from the first step. Click "OK" to confirm.


Download uPic

uPic  Github
Homebrewbrew install bigwig-club/brew/upic --cask
Github Download

Configure uPic

In the settings, select the image hosting service and choose "Github" in the bottom left corner.

  • Username: Github username. For example, my Github homepage is, so my username is gee1k.
  • Repository name: The name of the repository where the uploaded files will be stored. For example, my repository address is, so the repository name is oss.
  • Branch: Branch name, default is master. If it is a different branch, you must create the branch before uploading.
  • Token: Github personal access token.
  • Domain: Default is not set. It will use the default Github access address. If your repository has enabled the pages feature and configured a custom domain, you can use your custom domain here.

Save the settings.

jsDelivr Acceleration

If you need to use jsdelivr CDN for accelerated access, please check the box.

The link will become:×***


Typora's configuration is simpler. As long as you have configured PicGo, you can select in the Typora settings.


Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.