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Local deployment unlocks the Next Level AI conversation experience, Chat Chat.

Chat Chat, unlock your next level AI conversation experience. Here, you can use multiple APIs such as OpenAI, Microsoft Azure, Claude, Cohere, Hugging Face, etc. to enrich your AI conversation experience.


  • Today, @okisdev announced the open-source release of Chat Chat. Personally, I think Chat Chat's conversation experience is faster than Chatbot UI. Let's start practicing!
- Chatting with files
- Support for sharing conversations
- Support for streaming information (SSE)
- Markdown formatting
- Support for syntax highlighting in message code
- Support for System Prompt
- Quick menu (command + k)
- Chat history (local and cloud synchronization)
- Encapsulated API (no longer need a proxy)
- Support for plugin functionality (`/search`, `/fetch`)
- Support for OpenAI, Microsoft Azure, Claude, Cohere, Hugging Face

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Online Access#

Chat Chat --- 聊天聊天 (

Deploy to Vercel#

ChatChat has instructions for one-click deployment, I won't go into detail here.

Local Deployment#

Clone the ChatChat Code#

Create a new folder called ChatChat and open the terminal to enter this folder.
Enter the following command to copy the code from the remote Git repository to this folder.

git clone

Enter the ChatChat folder you just created.

cd ChatChat

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Install Yarn#

  1. Install nodejs using npm.
brew install node
  1. After installing Node, use npm to install Yarn.
brew install yarn
  1. Once installed, you can use the following command to verify.
yarn _-version

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Install ChatChat Dependencies#

Install the dependencies required for the ChatChat application.


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Start ChatChat#

Start the ChatChat application locally.

yarn dev

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Open in your browser and enter your API.

🤫Not guaranteed to be valid👇



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Explore other AIs on your own.

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Running interface

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