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124 yuan to achieve the best cost-effective dual gigabit soft router OpenWrt.

All the accessories in this article are from the second-hand idle fish, without any promotional ingredients, just for technical sharing.


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I bought this cloud device for 85 yuan on idle fish in 2020. At that time, the seller had already installed OMV, and I planned to use it as a lightweight NAS. As more and more files accumulated, the storage space of a single hard drive NAS became insufficient, so I gradually put it in storage.

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I didn't expect that three years later, the price hasn't changed much. Compared to the N1 R2S, which has a high premium, I wonder how many times better it is.

Software Router Requirements#

Recently, I had a scenario requirement for using a software router, with low requirements. I decided to take out my cloud device from storage and flash it with OpenWrt. In addition, it has a USB 3.0 interface, so I purchased a Green Union USB Gigabit Ethernet adapter for 39 yuan on idle fish, achieving dual Gigabit software routing, truly the best cost-performance ratio.

Total price: 85 + 39 = 124 yuan, what more could you ask for?

Hardware Configuration#

CPU: RK3328, 8GB eMMC storage, 1GB memory

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It is enough to use it as a software router, and it can also run one or two Docker containers without any problems.

About Flashing#

There are many flashing videos on YouTube and Bilibili that you can refer to. You will need a dual USB male head for flashing, but I suggest not to buy it separately (to save costs to the extreme). Just like me, find two four-core USB charging cables and connect them yourself.

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Firmware Selection#

For comprehensive options, choose Flippy+ from the Enshan Forum#

It integrates many functions, and the USB network card driver is also excellent.

Download link for the Telegram group, the firmware for my cloud device is called "L1pro" in English.

Create your own OpenWrt firmware with Supes#

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Choose the functions you need, the free version supports up to 5, but it is already sufficient. It integrates the software repository, and you can install it yourself in OpenWrt later.


In addition to the Enshan Forum, there are also introductions to my cloud device on "What's Worth Buying", so if you want to know more details and more ways to play, you can search and take a look. Now, as a qualified wall-breaking software router, it has more than enough performance.

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